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Lakewood High head custodian Randy Hatmaker is a military man at heart and it’s that sense of duty and service that he brings to his job that has earned Randy the honor of being one of our March Staff Spotlight honorees. Joining Hatmaker as a co-honoree this month is Garfield Middle School's Colleen Moran, whose love of teaching and  love of sports come together in the form of  a passionate, team focused teacher.


Randy Hatmaker
Lakewood High head custodian Randy Hatmaker is a military man at heart and it’s that sense of duty and service that he brings to his job that has earned Randy the honor of being one of our March Staff Spotlight honorees.

Randy, who served 27 years in the Navy Reserves and has been with the District for 24 years, heads up a team of 15 custodians and cleaners who are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the 250,000- square-foot high school. With such a massive space to attend to, it is important to Randy that the work is done quickly, efficiently and correctly.

His military training has allowed him create a system that helps alleviate any backlog and prevents small problems from turning into bigger ones. His approach is one of friendly customer service where he makes sure to meet face-to-face with a staff member making a request to ensure he knows exactly what that person’s needs are. He then follows up once the job is complete to make sure all are satisfied.

He urges his staff to get to know the specific needs of teachers in their area. “Learn your teachers, learn what makes them happy in the day….Our job is to make it easier for the teachers to do their job so they can help our students,” he says.

LHS staff members praise Randy for his professionalism and responsiveness. Says Randy’s nominator, Chef Rob McGorray: “Randy solves problems easily and creates solutions that minimize or eliminate the problem from happening again. He is a great and goes well out of his way to help in any and all ways.”


colleen moran
A love of teaching and a love of sports come together in the form of Garfield Middle School’s Colleen Moran and the result is a passionate, team focused teacher who is one of our March Staff Spotlight honorees.

After nearly 35 years of teaching middle schoolers in the District, Moran remains as passionate about teaching as she did when she was a new grad fresh out of Cleveland State heading to work for her hometown district.

Colleen’s commitment to Lakewood and the District is evident whether it’s in the time she gives mentoring young teachers such as her nominator Kyle White and daughter Kelly at Grant Elementary or in her role as a volunteer coach for Garfield’s 7th and 8th grade girls’ basketball teams. According to Kyle, Colleen is  “the best science teacher on Earth!”

In the classroom, she makes sure everyone knows they are all on the same team working for the same goals. Yet, she takes care to give each student what he or she needs individually and find the hook that will engage them.

Colleen, who is a member of the LHS Alumni Sports Hall of Fame for her high school basketball and coaching days, is always one to give credit to her teammates, whether it be in sports or in school. She praises her 6th grade science team as “incredible.” After three decades, she says the reason why she enjoys teaching remains the same: ““I love interacting with the students every day.”