Student Registration & Information Updates
If you are enrolling a student for the first time with Lakewood City Schools or re-enrolling a student who had withdrawn from the District, click on the appropriate student tab below to begin the registration process:
Registration/Update Links
New PreK-12 Student
Welcome to Lakewood City Schools!
Welcome to the Lakewood City Schools. Please read the below information carefully to best ensure a smooth registration for your child. Please note that the below information is for registering with the Lakewood City Schools in Lakewood, Ohio.
Who May Register a Child?
The Lakewood City School District will enroll only those students whose parents/legal guardians are residents of this school district. “Residence” for school purposes means that the custodial parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of the student are full-time residents of Lakewood. All certified court orders pertaining to guardianship and custody must be presented at the time of registration.
The Lakewood City School District does not grant temporary enrollment (ORC 3313.64 E).
Kindergarten: Ohio Law requires that all children complete a formal kindergarten program. Any child who is 5 years old on or before September 30 of the school year is eligible for kindergarten.
Steps for Registration
Prepare for registration by collecting and organizing required documentation. During the online registration process these documents can be uploaded into the system. If you are unable to upload the documents they can be dropped off at the Taft Center for Innovation located at 13701 Lake Ave. (Please place your documents in the lock box located at the bottom of the ramp near the playground only if you are unable to upload them during the online registration process). If you use your phone to scan, please use the scan mode (do not just take screenshots). A tutorial on scanning with an iPhone can be found here. Instructions on scanning with an Android phone can be found here.
Parent/guardian picture ID (i.e. driver's license), passport or I-94
Certified copy of student’s birth certificate or valid passport or I-94 (for all students being registered)
Immunization records (for all students being registered)
Proof of Residency (two items from the list below will need to be provided)
Current utility bill. Must include the portion showing your name and address or faxed confirmation of new service. Please include the entire bill. Electronic statements that reflect the name, address and date of service are acceptable. Photos and/or attachments of an envelope with your name and address will not be accepted. If you make payments online and do not receive a physical bill, please log onto the website of your utility provider and download the statement as an attachment. We may ask for a physical copy in the future.
Fully executed lease. Includes landlord contact information and all persons living at this address.
Bank statement. Must include current city of Lakewood address.
Owner Affidavit Completed in full and notarized by landlord/property manager (only when proofs noted above cannot be provided).
Residency and Custody Affidavit Everyone new to the district must have this document completed in full and notarized.
Divorce/custody papers, if applicable (must be court certified).
Most recent IEP, ETR or 504 Plan (if applicable).
Withdrawal information/transcript/report card from previous school.
Release of Records Authorization Form - please complete this form. You will upload one copy for each of the students you are registering.
For Preschool Students Only
Before registering your preschool student, please contact Cher Bourne at 216-529-4214 to check availability.
Please note that your child must be potty-trained to attend preschool.
In addition to the above mentioned documents, the following documents are required for preschool students.
Preschool Grants Available
Depending on your household income, your student may be eligible for a State of Ohio Early Childhood Education Grant to help pay for preschool . View grant information page.
Completing Registration/Potential In-Person Appointment
After submitting your application please be aware that an in-person appointment may be required. After submitting your application please be aware that a communication could be coming from to schedule an in-person appointment.
If you have any questions or need additional assistance during the online registration process, please call our registration secretary, Michelle O'Neill, at 216-529-4279 or email her at
For questions regarding Infinite Campus, please contact
Click on the link below to access Online Registration though Infinite Campus and follow the on-screen instructions.
Thank you! We are happy to welcome you as the newest members of the Lakewood City Schools family!
Documents to Be Used During Registration:
Returning Student Updates
Welcome Back to Lakewood City Schools!
If you have a child enrolled in the Lakewood City Schools and your child will be returning to the District in the next school year you will have received an automated message to your email on August 5, 2024. Please follow the directions in the email to create an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account.
In the event of any of the changes listed below, parents/guardians must notify their child's school or at the high school, their house principal. The Department of Student Services (216-529-4201) at the Board of Education should be notified when individual school buildings are closed.
Provide updates for any of the following:
- change of address
- change of legal custody or guardianship
- all current court orders from Domestic Relations, Juvenile, Probate or any other court that has exercised jurisdiction over the custody, guardianship or residence of the child/children as stipulated in O.R.C. 3313.672.