Human Resources/Employment
The Lakewood City School District actively seeks candidates who see themselves as an educator regardless of the desired position. In Lakewood, an educator is defined as one who strives to assist our students in achieving the District's Vision of a Lakewood Graduate competencies. If you believe you have what it takes to assist our students in developing those competencies through the lenses of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging and students' social and emotional well-being, we invite you to apply for the position you are most interested in and qualified for by clicking below.
Substitute Teachers
We are hiring substitute teachers through the Ohio Substitute Teacher Service (OSTS). To apply to work as a substitute teacher, please click on the button below:
All Other Substitutes
Lakewood City Schools also needs substitute paraprofessionals/educational assistants, lunch monitors, health aides, along with substitutes in Nutrition Services and as building cleaners. Interested applicants should complete a Lakewood City Schools online application by clicking on the button below and applying for the specific substitute position.
Thank you for your interest in the Lakewood City Schools. We look forward to working with you!
Background Checks
Initial applicants for a license must complete both BCI and FBI criminal background checks. These checks need to be less than 365 days old to be considered valid for licensing purposes.
Educators who are renewing a license or permit and have lived continuously in the State of Ohio for the previous five years, and have a BCI background check on file with ODE, will need to complete only an FBI criminal background check once every five years. Educators who have not lived continuously in the state for the past five years will need to complete both BCI and FBI background checks.
Educators who hold a permanent certificate are still required to submit the required background checks once every five years. Permanent certificate holders who have lived continuously in Ohio for those five years, however, will only need to submit FBI background checks.
Volunteer Background Checks/Fingerprinting
All volunteers who work with students must go through a background check. Volunteers must be referred by the building principal or secretary to have their background check/fingerprinting completed with the Recreation Department located at Lakewood High School. Volunteer fingerprinting is processed by appointment.
Non-DiscrimInation Notice
- HR Forms
- LPDC Meeting Dates 24-25
- Create an OH|ID Account
Instructions on how to create an OH|ID account. All Users must create an account in ODE's OH|ID System; Existing CORE (ODE) accounts are then linked with your OH|ID account.
- How to Renew a Teaching License or Classified Permit
Instructions on renewing either credential.
- LPDC Plan
**PLEASE NOTE: Your Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) can be submitted IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE ISSUANCE DATE of your current educational license.
- Consistently High Performing Teacher Verification Form
- Educator Leaving LPDC
- LPDC Credit Unit Option
- OAPSE 129 Professional Growth
To earn classified CEUs
- Lakewood Academic Growth Units
- Ohio Ethics Law and Related Statutes